// JavaScript Document var baselink = "http://waterboys.com/"; // AJAX object var responseDiv = ""; function ajaxObject(url, callbackFunction, responseDiv) { responseDiv = responseDiv; var that=this; this.updating = false; this.abort = function() { if (that.updating) { that.updating=false; that.AJAX.abort(); that.AJAX=null; } } this.update = function(passData,postMethod) { if (that.updating) { return false; } that.AJAX = null; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { that.AJAX=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { that.AJAX=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } if (that.AJAX==null) { return false; } else { that.AJAX.onreadystatechange = function() { if (that.AJAX.readyState==4) { that.updating=false; that.callback(that.AJAX.responseText,that.AJAX.status,that.AJAX.responseXML,responseDiv); that.AJAX=null; } } that.updating = new Date(); if (/post/i.test(postMethod)) { // encode all POST data var str = ""; for(var i = 0;i < passData.elements.length;i++) { switch(passData.elements[i].type){ case "text": case "textarea": case "password": if (!passData.elements[i].disabled) str += passData.elements[i].name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(passData.elements[i].value) + "&"; break; case "hidden": // hidden cannot be disabled str += passData.elements[i].name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(passData.elements[i].value) + "&"; break; case "checkbox": case "radio": if(passData.elements[i].checked && !passData.elements[i].disabled) str += passData.elements[i].name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(passData.elements[i].value) + "&"; break; case "select-one": if (!passData.elements[i].disabled) str += passData.elements[i].name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(passData.elements[i].options[passData.elements[i].selectedIndex].value) + "&"; break; case "select-multiple": if (!passData.elements[i].disabled){ for (var j = 0; j < passData.elements[i].length; j++){ var optElem = passData.elements[i].options[j]; if (optElem.selected == true){ str += passData.elements[i].name + "[]" + "=" + encodeURIComponent(optElem.value) + "&"; } } } break; } } // strip final & str = str.substr(0,(str.length - 1)); // end secure var uri=urlCall+'?'+that.updating.getTime(); that.AJAX.open("POST", uri, true); that.AJAX.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"); that.AJAX.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", str.length); that.AJAX.send(str); } else { var uri=urlCall+'?'+passData+'×tamp='+(that.updating.getTime()); that.AJAX.open("GET", uri, true); that.AJAX.send(null); } return true; } } var urlCall = url; this.callback = callbackFunction || function () { }; } // processData process ajaxObject response: optional // ajaxObject processes task and ignores response when processData is not used // different functions can be made to serve different purposes function processResponse(responseText, responseStatus, responseXML, responseDiv) { if (responseStatus==200 || responseStatus==304) { parent.top.document.getElementById(''+responseDiv+'').innerHTML=responseText; } else { //showPop('connection'); } } // use when waiting needs to be shown , and timeout function processWait(request,div,action){ if (request.updating) { parent.top.document.getElementById('' + div + '').innerHTML = '' + action + ''; } else { alert('this object is idle'); } } function timezone(id){ now = new Date() offset = now.getTimezoneOffset(); document.getElementById(id).value=offset; } // LINKS function menulink(cl,d){ var i,ob,tA,h=document.location.href; if(document.getElementById){ ob=(d)?document.getElementById(d):document; if(ob){ tA=ob.getElementsByTagName('A'); for(i=0;i"; } else if(type2 == "blocked"){ header = 'Blocked!'; txt2 = 'You have been blocked by this member.

You can no longer open this profile or send messages to this member.'; } else if(type2 == "approved"){ header = 'Pissfuck!'; txt2 = 'Your profile has not beed approved yet.

You will be notified by email when your profile is approved.

If you received the approval email while being online, please log out and log in again in order for your account to be adjusted.'; } else if(type2 == "connection"){ header = 'Pissfuck!'; txt2 = 'There seems to be a problem with your connection.

Re-load this page and try again, and/or check your internet connection.'; } else if(type2 == "profile"){ header = 'Pissfuck!'; txt2 = '

You don\'t have a profile yet.

To add locations and feedbacks to the Guide you need to create a profile first.

Click here to create a profile now, or wait till your profile is approved.'; } else if(type2 == "activate"){ header = 'Yeah!'; txt2 = txt; } else if(type2 == "photos"){ header = 'Info'; loadPhotoInfo = new ajaxObject(baselink+'info/photos.php',processResponse,'pop_text'); loadPhotoInfo.update(); txt2 = "
"; } else if(type2 == "guidephotos"){ header = 'Info'; loadPhotoInfo = new ajaxObject(baselink+'info/text.php',processResponse,'pop_text'); loadPhotoInfo.update('infotype=guidephotos','GET'); txt2 = "
"; } else if(type2 == "prof_deleted"){ header = 'Profile deleted'; txt2 = 'Your profile is deleted.

You must create a new profile within 30 days or your account will be deleted.'; } else if(type2 == "account_deleted"){ header = 'Account deleted'; txt2 = 'Your account is deleted.

We\'re sorry to see you go...

Please feel free to create a new account at any given time.'; } else if(type2 == "access"){ header = 'Warning'; txt2 = '
Waterboys.com is an adult site and contains sexually explicit material.

By entering this site I attest that I am at least 18 years of age, and/or of legal age to receive, view and possess such material in the the legal jurisdiction in which I live.

I will not allow any person not of legal age to view such materials.

I attest that viewing of such material in my governmental jurisdiction is legal, and understand that I am solely responsible for ascertaining the legality of viewing such material in my legal jurisdiction.

'; } else if(type2 == "searchinfo"){ header = 'Search Info'; txt2 = 'Example search: If you\'re looking for a guy with \"piss\" in his profile name, just enter \"piss\" in the Profile Name field and hit the Search button: all profiles with \"piss\" will be shown, i.e. \'pissguy\', \'somepiss\', \'thispiss\', \'thatpiss\', etc.

If you know the guy lives in New York, just add United States and New York to your search and you will see all profiles names with \"piss\" in it in New York.

Tip: Use less search terms to find more profiles.'; } else if(type2 == "del_id"){ header = 'Delete Account'; txt2 = ''+txt+'

'; } else if(type2 == "del_prof"){ header = 'Delete Profile'; txt2 = ''+txt+'

'; } else if(type2 == "change_email"){ header = 'Change Email'; changeMail = new ajaxObject(baselink+'inc/access.php',processResponse,'pop_text'); changeMail.update('poptype=changeemail','GET'); txt2 = "
"; } else if(type2 == "change_pass"){ header = 'Change Password'; changePass = new ajaxObject(baselink+'inc/access.php',processResponse,'pop_text'); changePass.update('poptype=changepassword','GET'); txt2 = "
"; } else if(type2 == "emailerror"){ header = 'Pissfuck!'; txt2 = txt + "

try again"; } else if(type2 == "passerror"){ header = 'Pissfuck!'; txt2 = txt + "

try again"; } else if(type2 == "choose"){ header = 'Alert'; txt2 = ''+txt+'

'; } else if(type2 == "success"){ header = 'Yeah!'; txt2 = txt; } else if(type2 == "loginerror"){ header = 'Pissfuck!'; txt2 = txt; } else if(type2 == "login"){ header = 'Member access'; memberLogin = new ajaxObject(baselink+'inc/access.php', processResponse, 'pop_text'); memberLogin.update('poptype=login','GET'); txt2 = "
"; } else if(type2 == "loginpop"){ header = 'Member access'; memberLogin = new ajaxObject(baselink+'inc/access.php', processResponse, 'pop_text'); memberLogin.update('poptype=loginpop','GET'); txt2 = "
"; } else if(type2 == "apply"){ header = 'Sign up'; memberNew = new ajaxObject(baselink+'inc/access.php', processResponse, 'pop_text'); memberNew.update('poptype=apply','GET'); txt2 = "
"; } else if(type2 == "resend"){ header = 'Re-send'; memberNew = new ajaxObject(baselink+'inc/access.php', processResponse, 'pop_text'); memberNew.update('poptype=resend','GET'); txt2 = "
"; } else if(type2 == "warning"){ header = 'Warning'; txt2 = txt; } else if(type2 == "error"){ header = 'Pissfuck!'; txt2 = txt; } else { header = 'Pissfuck!'; txt2 = txt; } parent.top.document.getElementById('pop').style.display = "block"; parent.top.document.getElementById('pop_content').style.display = "block"; parent.top.document.getElementById('pop_text').innerHTML= txt2; parent.top.document.getElementById('pop_header').innerHTML = header; } // CLOSE POP function hidePop() { document.getElementById('pop').style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('pop_content').style.display = "none"; } function showWait(){ document.getElementById('pop').style.display = "block"; document.getElementById('pop_wait').style.display = "block"; } function firstTime() { setTimeout("window.location='../my/'", 2000); } function setinnerHTML(id,txt){ document.getElementById(id).innerHTML= txt; } // VALIDATE LOGIN function validatelogin(type) { var theMessage = ""; var type; var noErrors = theMessage if(!/\S/.test(document.getElementById('email').value)){ theMessage = theMessage + "Please enter your email address
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please wait while you are being logged in'); // show and check while waiting for the form to be processed return true; } else { if(type == "home"){ showPop('loginerror',theMessage); } else { theMessage = theMessage + "
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please wait while we fetch your login data'); return true; } } // VALIDATE APPLY function validateapply(type) { var theMessage = ""; var type; var noErrors = theMessage; var formname = document.getElementById('applyform'+type); if(type == 'pop'){ section = 'applypop'; } else { section = 'apply'; } if(!/\S/.test(formname.email2.value)){ theMessage = theMessage + "Please enter your email address
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"; } if (formname.age.checked == false) { theMessage = theMessage + "Please confirm that you're 18 or older
"; } if (theMessage == noErrors) { doApply = new ajaxObject(baselink+'inc/apply.php', processResponse, section); // create request with url doApply.update(formname,'POST'); // start request with object (the form) and type (POST), cab be left empty for GET processWait(doApply,section,'

please wait while we create your ID'); // show and check while waiting for the form to be processed return true; } else { if(type == 'home'){ showPop('applyerror',theMessage); } else { theMessage = theMessage + "
try again"; showPop('error',theMessage); } return false; } } // HIDE DIVS - COMBO function hideCombo(id1,id2) { document.getElementById(id1).style.display = "none"; document.getElementById(id2).style.display = "none"; } // SHOW DIVS - COMBO function showCombo(id1,id2) { document.getElementById(id1).style.display = "block"; document.getElementById(id2).style.display = "block"; } // HIDE DIV function hidestuff(id) { document.getElementById(id).style.display = "none"; } // SHOW DIV function showstuff(id) { document.getElementById(id).style.display = "block"; } // UNDERLINE LINK function underlineLink(id1,id2){ document.getElementById(id1).style.textDecoration='underline'; document.getElementById(id2).style.textDecoration='none'; } // LIMIT TEXT IN FIELDS function limitText(limitField, limitCount, limitNum) { if (limitField.value.length > limitNum) { limitField.value = limitField.value.substring(0, limitNum); } else { limitCount.value = limitNum - limitField.value.length; } } // SEND REPLY function mailreply(num){ if(/\S/.test(document.getElementById('text'+num).value)){ sendReply(num); } else alert("You did not enter any text for your message") } function sendReply(num){ doSendReply = new ajaxObject(baselink+'mail/mailSendreply.php', processResponse, 'reply'+num+''); doSendReply.update(document.getElementById('domail'),'POST'); processWait(doSendReply,'reply'+num+'','

...sending mail...

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...mailform loading...

'); } // ADD FEEDBACK function checkFeedback(num){ if(/\S/.test(document.getElementById('text'+num).value)){ addFeedback(num); } else { showPop('error','You did not enter any text for your feedback'); } } function addFeedback(num){ doAddFeedback = new ajaxObject(baselink+'guide/addFeedback.php', processResponse, 'feedback'+num+''); doAddFeedback.update(document.getElementById('doguide'+num),'POST'); processWait(doAddFeedback,'feedback'+num+'','

...adding feedback...

'); } function reportGD(num,id){ doReportGD = new ajaxObject(baselink+'guide/guideFunctions.php', processResponse, 'reportGD'+num+''); doReportGD.update('reportGD='+id+'','GET'); processWait(doReportGD,'reportGD'+num+'','\"\"  reporting...'); } function approveGD(num,id){ doReportGD = new ajaxObject(baselink+'guide/guideFunctions.php', processResponse, 'reportGD'+num+''); doReportGD.update('approveGD='+id+'','GET'); processWait(doReportGD,'reportGD'+num+'','\"\"  approving...'); } function denyGD(num,id){ doReportGD = new ajaxObject(baselink+'guide/guideFunctions.php', processResponse, 'reportGD'+num+''); doReportGD.update('denyGD='+id+'','GET'); processWait(doReportGD,'reportGD'+num+'','\"\"  disapproving...'); } function reportFB(id){ doReportFB = new ajaxObject(baselink+'guide/guideFunctions.php', processResponse, 'reportFB'+id+''); doReportFB.update('reportFB='+id+'','GET'); processWait(doReportFB,'reportFB'+id+'','\"\"  reporting...'); } // ADD TO MY LOCATIONS function setDest(id,change){ doSetDest = new ajaxObject(baselink+'guide/guideFunctions.php', processResponse, 'set'+change+''); 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...changing units...
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