Rules contains adult material, including, but not limited to, photographs, films, and written descriptions of adult nudity and adults indulging in sexual activity. I attest that I do not find such material obscene or offensive.

By entering this site I attest that I am at least 18 years of age, and/or of legal age to receive, view and possess such material in the the legal jurisdiction in which I live. I will not allow any person not of legal age to view such materials. I attest that viewing of such material in my governmental jurisdiction is legal, and understand that I am solely responsible for ascertaining the legality of viewing such material in my legal jurisdiction.

I attest that I am not an agent or official of any government, law enforcement agency, religious or secular organization pursuing evidence for prosecution or entrapment of any individual or business. Furthermore, I attest that I have not notified any of the above of my desire not to receive sexually explicit materials.

I attest that all information supplied to, whether information contained in my profile, or in registration either for a profile password or for membership is true. I attest that I am legally entitled to the use and posting of any materials, images, or information that I submit to All materials and images submitted for profiles on become the property of reserves the right to use, post or publish any or all submitted profiles. I understand that I may not submit materials or images that are illegal, defamatory or inflammatory. may modify, adapt or edit all submissions. Submission of all material constitutes permission for to use, post and/or publish such material. I understand that may terminate my membership at their sole discretion, should I be found in violation of the above. All content on is protected by copyrights and/or trademarks. The website is protected in all respects by intellectual property laws. No information or images may be downloaded from the website without the written consent of cannot be held responsible for content posted by members. has no means of veryfying that posted content is or isn't copyrighted. It is the member's responsibility to verify that all content posted is owned by this member. will pass on any legal issues to the member posting illegal or copyrighted content, and membership will be terminated for this member.

Your IP address ( is registered in order to provide the possibility of taking legal action against those who do not comform to the above.

I understand that access to certain sections of is by membership only and requires a username and password, which may be obtained by completing the registration form. I agree to provide true, accurate and current information as requested on the registration form, and to update the registration data as needed to keep it accurate and current. I understand that no one under 18 will be allowed to register.

I understand that I may cancel my membership by notifying by e-mail and/or by the cancellation form. Upon registration, protection of my username and password become my responsibility. I understand that I may not assign or transfer their use to any other person. I am responsible for any unauthorized use of the username or password. In the event of theft or unauthorized use of my username or password, I agree to notify

I understand that does not warrant the materials presented on as to accuracy, completeness, or freedom from infringement of intellectual properties. I further understand that will under no circumstances be liable for any damages sustained either from use of or lack of ability to use the site or the materials therein. I understand that any information or images submitted for use as a member profile, chatrooms, or other public areas of is accessible to all members of I also understand that membership registration information will not be sold or released to any other entities.

Contact information will only be used by for notification of members of changes, alterations or additions. Members may also receive notice of end of billing term or planned changes in membership dues.

I will indemnify and hold harmless the provider of this site from any and all civil claims or criminal charges that result from my accessing, downloading, ordering and/or distributing, in any manner, the materials contained on this site.

I agree that the construction and interpretation of these Rules shall at all times and in all respects be governed by the internal laws of the state of California, without giving effect to the conflict of laws or provisions thereof. Venue of any action brought to enforce or relating to this Agreement shall be brought exclusively in the San Diego, California Superior or Municipal Court, or the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of California. 



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